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‘Topping Out’ Ceremony Highlights Route 66 Visitors Center Construction

Several community leaders signed the last beam before it was lifted and installed

September 1, 2021

Today, City Councilor Klarissa Peña joined Bernalillo County Commissioner Steven Michael Quezada, State Senator Linda Lopez, State Representative Antonio “Moe” Maestas, State Representative Javier Martinez, West Central Community Development Group (WCCDG) Executive Director Luis Hernandez Jr, and other community leaders to take part in a ‘topping out’ ceremony at the Route 66 Visitors Center which is under construction on west Central.

A ‘topping out’ ceremony marks the point where the final beam, and highest point in the building is installed. As part of the ceremony, everyone on-hand signed the beam and their signatures will forever be encased in the center and history.

Today was a monumental day for this community lead project,” said Councilor Klarissa Peña. “As this project has moved forward, we have lost a few of our community leaders that have worked on this effort for many years. I was honored to sign their names on to the beam to recognize their dedication and commitment to this project and their community.”

Phase one of construction includes a 21,000-square-foot museum, assembly space, catering kitchen, tap room, office space, outdoor amphitheater, parking and landscaping.

Construction on the Route 66 Visitors Centers began in March of 2021 and is slated for completion in spring of 2022. The center, at Central and Atrisco Vista, at the top of nine-mile hill, has a budget of $10.3 million.

For more information or to get connected to the Route 66 Visitor Center, Please call Luis Hernandez Jr. 505.688.4122 or visit

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